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We advise on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious employment related matters for clients across a broad range of sectors, as well as providing specialist support to our corporate lawyers on Mergers & Acquisitions. We understand that employment law is constantly changing environment and we ensure that our lawyers and clients are kept up-to-date with relevant changes. We tailor our advice to our clients’ needs and work closely with our clients to find the most cost effective and pragmatic solution for their businesses.

Restructuring and Redundancy

We are highly experienced in advising on the employment related aspects of redundancy and restructuring, from small scale individual redundancies to large-scale complex collective redundancies, TUPE transfers and outsourcing arrangements.

We advise our clients on the planning and implementation of the redundancy or restructuring process in order to provide the desired outcome for our clients.

Employment Disputes

Employment disputes are becoming increasingly common and happen in even the best-run businesses. We work closely with our clients to manage conflict in the workplace.

We are highly experienced at defending clients in all manner of employment tribunals including unfair dismissal, breach of contract, unlawful deductions from wages, breach of the flexible working regulations, all elements of discrimination, failure to inform and consult under TUPE, trade union detriment/dismissal and detriment/dismissal because of raising a protected disclosure.

Employment Documentation

We are specialists in advising on, drafting and negotiating a wide range of employment related documentation including employment agreements, service contracts, consultancy agreements, workers’ contracts, apprenticeship contracts, and staff handbooks and staff policies.

Equality and Discrimination

We understand that allegations of discrimination (whether it be in relation to disability, gender or race) in the workplace can severely impact on our client’s businesses and we are experienced at reacting quickly to allegations made against our clients and working closely with them in order to guide them effectively through the process.

Our expertise in this area includes advising on complex and sensitive discrimination claims, advising on maternity and equal pay related matters, drafting equality and diversity policies, and analysing potential risks of discrimination claims.